Feature request: allow more than one sound to be played

Feature request: allow more than one sound to be played

Postby Matina » Thu Feb 10, 2022 12:03 pm

Hi Eddie,

I've got something on my personal wishlist and would like to know what you think :) .

I'm working with a set of vocabulary cards based on a school book for the daughter of a friend of mine. Some of the words have an example sentence along with it, which I have also translated. I've got
text 1 = new word to learn in the foreign language (happens to be English ;) )
text 2 = word translated into native language (in this case, German)
text 3 = example sentence (foreign language); in about 2/3 of the cases, this field is empty
text 4 = example sentence translated (if text 3 is empty, so is text 4)

I would like to be able to play both the foreign word (text 1/sound 1) and, if available, the example sentence (text 3/sound 3), on side 2. I wouldn't mind if the second "play" button for sound 3 was always displayed, even if there is no text 3 on that particular card. I realize it would require a significant change on the layout settings screen, and have no idea what impact it has on the programming at all.

What do you think? Any chance for this?

Best regards,
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Re: Feature request: allow more than one sound to be played

Postby Ernie » Thu Feb 10, 2022 12:57 pm

Hi Matina,

I'm actually open to this idea right now.

A sound play button would be shown if a sound exists for that item.

I guess there would be two sound buttons if two sounds assigned in layout, right?
Do you think it would be appropriate to add an option like "When auto-playing sound, play all sounds (when more than one sound on a side)". This would allow user to either auto-play just the word, or the word + sentence, as the user flips the card. I'm a fan of autoplay (I'd rather not have to tap play buttons), and I can see users (1) may or (2) may not want to play both sounds as they flip the card. What do you think?

I'd actually like to be even more flexible with layouts eventually. No max number of sides, no max number of items per side, etc. So maybe even no max number of pictures or sounds per side, but this creates more complexity for UI, so not sure if a good idea, but something I want to think about.
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Re: Feature request: allow more than one sound to be played

Postby Matina » Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:24 am

Hi Eddie,

cool! I'd agree that you would need as many Play buttons as there are sounds to play. If you're really going for a high number of possible buttons, I think you'd need to think about where to put them, otherwise people wouldn't know which one to touch to hear what they're looking for. Maybe right beside the text? But that would take flexibility away, as it would force you to display the text if you want the sound played. Maybe a better option would be to integrate them in the top part of the layout setup page, so you could e.g. display three texts and then the three corresponding Play buttons, in one line beneath the texts.

I like the idea with autoplay. There would need to be a short, ideally configurable pause between the sounds.

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