Synchronisation zwischen iPad und iPhone

Synchronisation zwischen iPad und iPhone

Postby Blauhasenoehrli » Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:11 am

Hi @all :)

Ich habe das Problem, dass ich mit zwei Geräten arbeite, iPhone und iPad, leider habe ich nie den gleichen Inhalt auf beiden Geräten.... Wie synchronisiere ich denn am schnellsten und einfachsten?

Herzlichen Dank schon vorab für Eure Tipps :D :) :P

Re: Synchronisation zwischen iPad und iPhone

Postby Ernie » Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:42 pm

Hi. The app doesn't have a sync. Sorry. You have to import and export manually to try to keep two devices in sync.
Below are instructions to transfer a deck from one device to another, in English. If you don't understand, let me know and I'll get help translating.
Also, you can search the in-app help for "exportieren" for information on exporting.

Sorry I can't respond in German. I think I might remove this German section from this Forum.

How do I transfer my deck from one device to another?

There is currently no sync functionality. You can export from one device and import to the other device though.

Export to the server:
1) At the main screen, tap Edit, then the deck you want to export
2) Make sure you enter a "Deck Code" (2nd item). Use a code that nobody else will.
3) Tap Export. Make sure "Export To" is set to "Server", and set other options appropriately.
4) Tap Export.

Import from your other device:
5) At the main screen, tap +, then "Private Deck"
6) Enter the same Deck Code you choose above
7) Tap "Download Cards"

If you don't want to create a new deck, but just update an existing deck:
5) At the main screen, tap Edit, then the deck you want to update
6) Make sure the Deck Code matches what you used when exporting
7) Tap Download, then "Replace All Cards"
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