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Feature Request: “Alternate After...”

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:19 pm
by learningnotlearned
I love this app, thanks for all the hard work over the years!! It got me through grad school, and now I’m using it for language learning.

I’m running into trouble with the “show side first” setting. I love the idea of the “alternate” option where the app is keeping track to make sure that I study each card in both directions (recognize foreign word vs produce foreign word). Unfortunately, I’m so slow at learning new words that I have to change this setting regularly. Anytime I’m moving a new set of cards to ‘active,’ I put it on “side 1” in order to initially learn the word by recognizing it. Once I’ve moved it a new set to active, I switch it back to “alternate” to study due cards. Even then, I find that I’m trying to produce (“side 2 first”) new-ish cards before I’m actually very familiar with the word.

I’d love an “alternate after...” option that counts either card reps or correct responses and only begins to alternate sides once I’ve recognized the word some number of times after it became active. That way, the app would be programmatically easing me into alternating directions with each individual card—something that isn’t otherwise possible (unless I’m missing it!).

Even without that feature, this is the most useful app on my phone by a long shot. Thanks for making it awesome!

Re: Feature Request: “Alternate After...”

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:50 pm
by Ernie

There is a way to do this, but you'll need to make a change so that each side is on its own statistics schedule. This will cause all of your cards to become active for 2->1. But I think that having each direction on its own schedule is a good idea.

The easiest way to do this is to turn on "Advanced Layout". To layouts will be created and you can turn them both on.

To delay 2->1, tap "2->1", Cards to Study, Additional Streak / Interval, Statistics Set = 1 (already set), Interval "> 7 days". This will enable the other direction when interval for direction 1 gets more than 7 days. One possible issue here is that if you answer wrong and your interval drops below 7 days it will also remove from direction 2->1, but it doesn't seem like a big problem.

Re: Feature Request: “Alternate After...”

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:19 pm
by learningnotlearned
Wow!! This is so helpful. I hadn’t ventured into the “advanced layout” mode, but this totally makes sense now. It’ll take a while to get everything situated with the second set of statistics, but this is going to be worth it. Thank you for explaining!